Searching Titles On the DB

Yes, I noticed the difficulty too. It’s usually easier to find a film when you type just a part of the name, for example I tried to look for “Colt in the hand of the devil”. with the whole name I got no results but if I type just “devil” i got some search results where the right one is easy to find.

That’s why I thougt “What is this site missing all titles?” about two years ago when I was new ;).

[quote=“Søren, post:20, topic:2071”]Searching in the db has always been a messy affair. Some of it has surely something to do with the fact that data aren’t relational in the usual sense but are merely a bunch of semi-dependent masses of text pages that happen to link to each other. A more refined search page (seperate search fields for title, actor, director etc.) would have been nice but I’m pretty sure it is impossible the way data are (or actually aren’t) structured.

Please give me a kick if I’m off.[/quote]

It seems to me that surely it can be fixed. I would have to look more into MediaWiki to really be able to say that for sure… but I believe its the same software used by Wikipedia isn’t it? And its no trouble at all to find stuff on Wikipedia

But won’t it just be like now, one giant global search? Meaning that if I want to search for a title only it won’t be possible.

What I was thinking was something like they got on The Internet Speculative Fiction Database:

Check the filter controls to the left where you are given the opportunity to search for a specific thing in the db.

This is only possible with structured data and I thought this db and all that wikipedia stuff were unstructured data !? Looks like it anyways :slight_smile:

I usually search for stuff at least a couple of times when cannot find something. Sometimes I get lucky.

[quote=“Søren, post:24, topic:2071”]But won’t it just be like now, one giant global search? Meaning that if I want to search for a title only it won’t be possible.

This is only possible with structured data and I thought this db and all that wikipedia stuff were unstructured data !? Looks like it anyways :)[/quote]

Well, when you go to wikipedia, and use the search bar, it works very well. For example, I just went there and did a search on popcorn and it takes me directly to the page for popcorn. If there are multiple possible pages it will bring a list up. For example, search for “italian pasta” and it will bring a list of DB pages up for you

The filter controls on searches would be nice also

in principle, what works best ist to do a google search of the swdb by entering something like “ your search term” into google. i also have a custom google search of the swdb in place, but i havent had time to properly integrate it. but please post if you’re having trouble locating specific movies/people/terms and we incrementally introduce certain workarounds…