[Project] Books pages optimization and books library expansion

done. Still needs some work but it’s there now

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So I just updated a few more books to the proposed layout and it even works with slight deviations. These now need a lot more TLC, starting with better covers, proper “about the book” texts and much more. Maybe some folks here in the forum can help fill some gaps, or add “mini reviews” also (small “reader quotes” about the book) or even long form reviews. We should also check if we can link more titles, names and other items, whether we have further “related content” to link to, and so on.

These are the ones updated:

I also made a template as Testpage-books for those wanting to help upgrade the rest of the books pages.

Bumping this seeking for more helping hands.

@Phil_H @Carlos @Companero_M @Mickey13 maybe you have some feedback looking at these?

Looks fine to me.

Yes, the book pages look fine. I’ve already worked on three of them, I believe.

I updated a few more, but there’s still some way to go. Aside from updating the layouts, here are some things that many pages are missing:

  • author info
  • hi res cover
  • reviews or just short comments
  • some facts/figures like page count, ISBN, etc

  • description texts with some books
  • info about editions (1st, second, etc), and format!

So here’s an update. I am through with all books we have listed and updated all of them who needed it to the new layout. I changed some pictures, fixed some things, etc, but for the most part, these are still not done. In a nutshell: Step one was really just some basic cleanup and transforming all the layouts. That’s done. Step two is really to fill a lot of gaps, fix information and add more value to these pages, that’s still ongoing and help would be appreciated. This involves:

  • Most pages need “about the author” info
  • on some occasions we need better cover images
  • hardly any book entrys have short quotes about the book, or even reviews
  • many lack description texts, especially the non-English/German/Spanish books sometimes it is unclear what they are, it gets more confusing with books that are actually event documentations (festivals etc)
  • often info is missing like format, release date, edition and so on.
  • I still have to add lots more Amazon links
  • Major to do: link to existing forum topics, and link to the book pages back from the forum topics.

So maybe those of you very familiar with some of these books can take a look and make some improvements. I have to rest my wrists for a while, this was quite the marathon

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I keep saying I’m going to work on these but talk is cheap and action seems to keep alluding me.

Well, it’s a new year so I’ll make a new start. Short descriptions and authors first, reviews to follow.

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OK @admins I’ve added a bunch of descriptions and author profiles on books I have. Will make a start at adding some reviews but that will take a little longer


Fantastico, Signore Castello Duro (if that is the official Italian translation of your name?), I will also start going through them all once more, soon, to add more Amazon links and fix some gaps

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Sounds close enough

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To all those who care:
We are making great strides fixing up the books section, and we will continue to do so over the next few days and weeks.
However: we are still adding books! We could need some help identifying books we havent listed yet, especially in languages other than English. So if you know of a SW-related book and you can’t find it in the SWDb books section, let me know!

Here are some books I have that I couldn’t find in the books section.

Books about the genre


Books about locations


Books about directors

And this film yearbook has a special about SW from page 74 through to the last page 132. The special consists of a text about the genre, some pictures, and a list of “all SW” (up to 1969), including some titles that aren’t westerns and some that were never actually made, if I remember correctly.

Right before the SW there is a 13 pages section called “Western der Nacht” (Westerns of the Night) which is about the gangster films by Melville featuring Lino Ventura, so that’s not too shabby either.


Excellent help, amigo. You’re giving me tons of homework but these are great additions!


Here we go (for all of them some facts and info are missing, so additions, corrections and contributions are very welcome):

Gotta work on the last two still, will do those later. On that note I need to sort out all the various Fornari books, editions and translations. Rather confusing, some have the same covers but different titles, etc

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Almost done with all the Fornaris

Can you give me info on page count and format for that one? Maybe also there’s an info who did the translation.

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And that’s enough for today

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