Pictures taken from Spaghs

Found a few comic books and other Western books with very Spaghettish covers.

Don’t really know who this is but could it be Fabio Testi from China 9, Liberty 37?

Looks a bit like a redone version of the hanging scene from Some Dollars For Django:

Not a picture but “I Skuggan Av En Colt” translates to “In A Colts Shadow”:

Do I even have to mention where this comes from?

Looks like it.

Cool, are they novels Silence?

Yep, all except the first.

On the right still looks like Musante with a thicker beard but it looks like they traded Franco Nero for Terence Hill!

Similarly I remember when somebody at the old swwb pointed out how many spaghetti poster artwork were basically copied from the covers of older pulp fiction western stories.

Found this pic, looks like Trigninant to me.

But at a price of 25 cents it must surely predate Il grande silenzio ? Not that I don’t see the likeness.