What non-italian movies could be called giallo and what do you think of them?
Visual style of most of Brian De Palma movies is steeped in giallo, but Dressed to Kill can be called 100% giallo and is fantastic example of the genre.
Also, I bet that his The Black Dahlia would have much better reputation if people had watched it through giallo lenses, rather than expecting LA Confidental part II.
Don’t Look Now is another that comes to my mind, it reminds me alot of Who Saw Her Die?.
Visual style of most of Brian De Palma movies is steeped in giallo, but Dressed to Kill can be called 100% giallo and is fantastic example of the genre.
A great one would be the German thriller CASSANDRAS WARNUNG (2011) by Dominik Graf. But I don’t know if there are subs already available for it on the net.
De Palma’s new PASSION also has Giallo elements and is imo almost as good as his classics like DRESSED TO KILL, etc.
I second FEAR CITY, excellent film, and of course BASIC INSTINCT. I just thought of it, and wanted to post here. Probably the prototype Giallo of the 90s.
Another great one would be Richard Rush’s COLOR OF NIGHT (1994).