My Name Is Pecos / Due once di piombo (Maurizio Lucidi, 1966)

I doubt it ā€¦ theyā€™re B movies, bang them out and make another one! :wink:

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Well, Iā€™ve never met an actor who wasnā€™t happy to embellish a story to make it more entertaining :rofl:


Absolutely ā€¦ thatā€™s their job! :wink:


Looked at the ending again.

There is likely only two different ways it could have ended:

  1. Everyone including Pecos is killed when the dynamite explodes. This was then re-shot with Kline and Pecos still alive and fighting to the death (you never see the bodies of the others which might support this). Improbable though as they would have had to recall half a dozen cast members back to waive Pecos goodbye.

  2. After Pecos rides out of town he is shot dead by someone (Morton who isnā€™t really dead). The FAFDM footage replaces this so that the music score can runoff properly.

On balance Iā€™d say Woods was making this up and there was no unhappy ending which was reshot. My main reason for this is that the sequel was released only 3 months later so almost certainly had probably started shooting before the first film had been released. They canā€™t have waited for overseas box office returns- several months afterwards - before doing the second film. They must have intended to shoot the two films back to back - possibly Lucidi told the producers that Tony Antony was doing this with The Stranger movies.

Thereā€™s also a reasonable chance that he has confused this film with another ā€¦ after all itā€™s nearly 60 years ago - plus, he told me that there were many of his own films that he never got to see, because he was busy working on the next project.

His memory for friends and colleagues from this time was exceptional ā€¦ I commented that in my time in theatre, (now 40 years ago) I couldnā€™t remember all the plays or cast members from this period of my own life, and yet he was almost encyclopedic about his career, referring to episodes which had happened twice as long ago.

All in all heā€™s a very entertaining fella who we as SW fans are most fortunate enough to have access to ā€¦ and so if the guy gets it wrong occasionally, itā€™s no big deal.


One thing I found strange is the girl/young woman who was used as a hostage/human shield in the final scene and obviously was at least wounded or maybe even could be assumed to have died after the explosion Pecos arranged. We never got to now about her ā€œrealā€ destiny. Even for a spaghetti-western that seems a bit odd to me. Either you usually see victims die or survive, or as in the case of Awqward Hands the last scene ends with a possible but not proven death.

You donā€™t see the bodies of the two henchmen (Carsten and Montefiori) either. When Pecos walks back to the others after killing Kline you donā€™t see anything at all in the background.

If you have the Arrow Blu Ray the actress complains about the directorā€™s behaviour towards her after she rejected her advances and claims he removed some of her close shots. That might be an explanation for the fact that it is not revealed whether she lived or died (or it might not).

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