Somebody recently mentioned here, I think it was on horror topic, that he watched some movie just because it had great poster. When I go to see movie for the first time I want to now as less as possible about it. But I have to somehow get the urge to go to see it, so if I see some great poster I’ll put it on my watchlist. I’ve recently watched Nightcrawler almost solely because of its poster and I think I’ll go to see this movie too of which I know nothing about (apart that I recognize the names on the poster):
So, old movies had better posters, but some new ones had them too (or maybe I am just falling for kind of retro posters like the two mentioned above). What movie you saw/will see just because you liked the poster?
Hey titoli, this is a good idea! And what about posters of movies that were never realized? Jodorowsky`s projected version of Frank Herbert’s Dune would have been maybe a (bizarre) masterpiece IMO…