Laurel and Hardy

Never knew this! Wow!
Thanks for the information, Mortimer!

By the way, I sadly have failed to mention another feature that the boys did that I rank up there with SONS OF THE DESERT and WAY OUT WEST…and that is BLOCK-HEADS. Love that one!

I was always under the impression Harold Lloyd had a withered hand, i didn’t realise he had digits missing.

Yes. It’s amazing he did all those incredible stunts without a thumb on his right hand.

[quote=“Mortimer, post:23, topic:2171”]Yes. It’s amazing he did all those incredible stunts without a thumb on his right hand.[/quote]I always thought he did all the stunts, he got a stuntman to do some of them.

Yep that’s the one. In the later The Bullfighters Stan and Olli are Skeletons at the end.

I’ve seen this one (much to my regret), but I don’t remember them becomeing skeletons.

I love Block-Heads. The automatic gararge gag is one of the best they ever did.


[quote=“Paco Roman, post:27, topic:2171”]- YouTube
Thanks, I must have seen an edited version.