Is GBU overrated?

there are qualities that make one movie better than another in my opinion but there is nothing factual or objective that makes a movie better than another. there are plenty of people out there that enjoy spider man more than taxi driver, it doesn’t make them objectively incorrect. It’s all based on subjective opinions.

I worded that a bit poorly, to be fair. There are objective metrics like how conventional a film is and how formulaic it is. That is something measurable and objective, because its something set in stone and does not change based on people’s opinion, but it says nothing about the quality of the film which is entirely subjective.

It’s the other way round if anything, we wouldn’t be arguing whether something is better than another or whether something is overrated if film quality was objective. If it was it would not be debatable or something that warrants discussion/arguments since it would be an objective fact, but its not. Everyone has their own measurements and perceptions of what is good and what is bad.

No offense, but talking with you feels like trying to grab smoke. It just swirls around to another spot in the room. Debate makes things subjective? Is there a topic that you can think of that isn’t debated?

I like Sollima’s films, but they are not on the same level as Leone and Corbucci’s best. Actually not GBU is too long, but TBG, which has that overlong and imo superfluous ranch scene, which is for me a big flaw. So that and not GBU is an overrated film, at least among SW buffs.

I can see where you’re coming from but I disagree, I think TBG is a better movie than anything sergio corbucci ever made. Corbucci is more creative, more inventive but I simply enjoy TBG more than any of his movies. It is true that the 1 hour 50 minute version is overlong, hence why i vastly prefer the extended US cut that cuts insignificant scenes to give it a fasters dollars trilogy esque pace. I dont think the ranch scene is superfluous in the slightest, it was great character development for cleef and, especially, milian’s character and it was accompanied with some very enjoyable action.

I appreciate how experimental corbucci was but his movies tend to be flawed. TGS is his only masterpiece imo, the rest are just good.

The only cobucci stuff I don’t like are his zapata westerns, take The Mercenary for example, i found it too comedic and the pacing was not great. Too many drawn out battles too, and nero carries a historically inaccurate gun that’s too obvious, he has a ww1 gun in the 1800s. I think A Bullet for The General is a much better movie, and the definitive zapata western. I also liked run man run more than any of his zapata westerns.

But that’s ok, I’m here to read about differing views on films.

Same man, this forum would serve no purpose if we weren’t discussing and debating these films. It’s nice to see people still willing to discuss such an old genre of film.

Debate makes things subjective? Is there a topic that you can think of that isn’t debated?

Plenty of things aren’t debatable lmao. Air contains oxygen, water is wet, cameras are used to make films, FFDM came out in 1965, Sergio Leone is dead, the earth is round. You think these are debatable? If something can be debated, that’s a pretty good sign that it’s subjective.

There are people that believe we live in a Matrix and nothing we experience is real, throwing all that out the window.

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haha fair enough

Regarding the gun in TM, the Mexican revolution was 1910-20 so I don’t think it’s inaccurate. And there is also a biplane in the film, you know the ones with double wings, they didn’t exist in the 1800s either.

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I think in all of the Zapata SWs there are modern stuff like cars, motorcycles, more modern weapons, etc. They take place in the early 1900s, not in the late 1800s. They are not “westerns” really but belong to the SW genre nontheless.

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Hardly! When you say Spaghetti Western most people fans or not think and say, “You mean like “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”?” That’s what an effect it has on people. You have three excellent performances and Eli Wallach should have been given an Academy Award nomination. Also, one of the most remembered scores in movie history and “Ecstacy of Gold” has become iconic. What is there not to like about this film.


I prefer Matalo myself, Tom.


To each his own. :smile:

Not to mention one of the best finale sequences in film history.


‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’…the love of my life, and my number one film of all time…! :grinning:


Very concise way of demonstrating why this movie is so fantastic … I’ve seen these clips 100s of times, and it still makes me want to sit down and watch it all again - Nice one, Toscano :wink: