Hirttämättömät (Spede Pasanen, Vesa-Matti Loiri, 1971)

I wrote a review of this Finnish gravel pit comedy western.

Database link: Hirttämättömät - The Spaghetti Western Database


Very nice work Bill

I’ll give the film a try if I can find a decent copy
True what you say about the Franco & Ciccio comedies, I don’t think outside Italy anybody will find these films genuinely funny (I know many Italians who don’t think they’re funny either)

The Unhanged Ones, what a title (it takes a Fin to come up with something like that)

Film has a style all of its own and pretty funny in places.

I think its prequel, “Speedy Gonzales - Noin 7 veljeksen poika” (Speedy Gonzales, son of about 7 fathers) is a bit better as it has a giallo subplot in it. The “& fathers” are a classic finnish tale.
Anyway both movies are easily available on DVD by Finnkino…both separate edition or in a 4 DVD Box Set along with other titles of this actor whoise I forgot the name, but he’s the most famous comic actor in Finland.
There are only 2 more western shot in Finland: “Villin pohjolan kulta” (The legend of the northern gold, 1963, available on DVD by Finnkino) and its sequel “Villin pohjolan salattu laasko” (not available on DVD yet). They are copies of classic american westerns, with a sort of Calamity Jane and a lot of classical humor and good feelings in it.

Also I found Hirtamattomat a bit…how to say…upsetting…though it’s a comedy, the direction is somehow autorish like every finnish movie ever shot…don’t know, I have a personal issue against finnish cinema.

There are 3 Villi Pohjola films. First one is Villi Pohjola (1955) and then there’s the 2 sequels made in 1963.

Yes…right…the first one is not in my list because I do not take into consideration euro western shot in the 50’s usually…

As mentioned years ago, there are two finnish eurowesterns, that both are unique parodies of spaghetti westerns.

Opening credits of Speedy Gonzales - Noin 7 veljeksen poika. Actor names are in grave signs.

Mainsong of Speedy Gonzales, Haaskalinnut saalistaa:

Both films have finnish DVD, but they have only finnish and swedish subtitles on the disc. However for both films fanmade english subtitles are available, just google them, if you wish.

Film’s page in the database updated to the new layout (still fixing a few things). Definitely needs more info and hi res poster etc, can someone help out?