El Puro / La taglia è tua … l’uomo l’ammazzo io (Edoardo Mulargia, 1969)

Unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of ‘El Puro’, but was I fortunate enough to see it on ‘Youtube’ a year, or so, ago.

The whistled theme, by the late, great, Alessandro Alessandroni, will haunt you for days…

There’s an English language version on you tube available which also includes a handful of Italian language scenes (presumably cut scenes). EL PURO - YouTube

The picture quality varies throughout but if anyone’s not seen it, it’s well worth seeing.

That’s the exact version from the Cult Action DVD. I’m glad it’s been put up on YouTube.

After all that bleeding searching I did it ends up on Youtube. Sod’s law :grin:

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But the picture quality looks poorer than on my Tijuana disc.

The picture quality is not great. I viewed it on my laptop so I suppose it might look a bit better on a larger TV screen. Good film though I enjoyed it.

My download does too, I was only having a laugh. I know I’m saying nothing here that you haven’t already but it’s a criminally overlooked western that deserves to reach a wider audience, so I’m just glad it’s up for others to watch.

Yes, at least it is good that people are able to watch it.

This is the one which really cries for a good release.

With a good DVD release it would probably be in the top 20 (I know others have already said that but it’s true). It’s not quite in mine but it’s up there for me and it seems I’m one of the ones who actually likes it the least. (Still love it though).

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No, it won’t make the top 20, not everybody loves it.

But with a good DVD or Blu release and a broader circulation of El puro the Top 30 is possible.

I believe that, absolutely.

Nah, the Forum Top 20 is meanwhile written in cement.

As much as I love this film I doubt it could enter the top 20. It sadly couldn’t even maintain its position in the Alternative top 20.

Didn’t even realise that. Bit of a shame, I think (and I’m sure there’ll be others) it’s better than half of the alt. 20 and even better than a few of the official top 20.

That’s true, but imo that’s because it doesn’t have a properly decent wide release. If Arrow put out an El Puro blu tomorrow it’d be alternative top 5 by the time we’re all on our Halloween movie challenge, I reckon.

I wonder if a poll of our current active membership for their favourite spags would look significantly different to the Big 20 as it currently stands , discounting transient, long-gone memberships which wouldn’t have accounted for the big releases which have happened over the years. I’m not suggesting we do that - I already suggested it before to general disapproval so I realise I’m p*ssing into the wind there - I’m just wondering if some wiggle room down at the lower numbers might have theoretically presented itself (I appreciate the Dollars trilogy and OUaTitW are unlikely to shift up at the top end in any instance).

@El Puro, it’s in my top 20, and it’s well cemented at no.17.

Hopefully it might sneak back in by the time I update it again later in the year. It only just dropped out by a couple of points. Unlike the Official Top 20 the Alt Top 20 is very fluid at its lower reaches.

True, I should kick out some older lists, as I did once with several incomplete lists from ex-members without an account.

So what is the status on this film’s rights etc?

Paging Mr @The_Bastard! I don’t suppose RetroVision has tried picking it up?


Never considered this one yet. But can definitely look into it, of course. Let me do some digging…