I’m searching for a film I saw when I was a kid. I’m not sure if it’s a SW.
This is the story, as far as I remember:
Ii’s Winter, and Indians in a reseve are starving.
A gang of outlaws blockades the help sendings to arrive to the reserve.
A lonesome heroe, dressed in black, arrives to help the indians.
Lot of indians is allready dead and are buryed in the snow.
But, as far as I remember, the heroe wins over the outlaws and the ending is happy.
I know it almost sounds like “Greate Silence”, but I’m quite sure this is another film.
Can anyone help me to identifye this movie?
I’m not sure it was Twice a Judas I was talking about. I have a swedish VHS version of Massacre Time and there was a trailer after that in Sweden was called ‘Den Djävulska Hämnaren’, so I searched it on imdb and the only film I could find under that
title was Twice a Judas. However I’m sure it was indians in the trailer I saw.