Anchor Bay/Blue Underround

I just re-clicked it and it is there - has anyone else tried to check it out?

are you sure it isn’t saved in your browser’s cache or something?

huh, that’s really stange… I just checked it from a different internet connection and the BU website loads fine… that really makes no sense at all. When I look from this connection it says its expired

that is odd. glad you found the problem.

Hmm… just checked their website from my home computer and am again getting the message that their doman registration is expired…

(previously saw the expired domain message at work, and then checked from my ipod using a wireless connection next door…)

so strange…

They probably forgot to renew the domain or there were some problems with autorenew/credit card whatever. It isn’t working for me either. But according to their whois data the domain has been renewed (possibly yesterday) and should last until 2012. It can just take up to 48 hours until everyone can see the site.

ah, cool… with all the talk about BU going under, I was afraid the time had come…

I was too until I checked the site. Good to see them still in business.

it works fine

They are still in business but I think they stopped coming out with new material, they only port their stuff over to Blu Ray nowadays.