Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock repeated the same scene in 2 of my fave films, which show an insight into his character…

a shot of a quiet village-street with an intersection, no-one around…
the door of a building opens, an ‘old man’ emerges…
the man steps-from the curb…
the ‘bad guys’ car squeals around the intersection…
the man scurries-back to the curb as the car roars-away-into-the-foreground…
the man steps-from the curb again…
the ‘guys-who-the-cops-think-are-the-bad-guys’ car squeals around the intersection…
the man leaps-back to the curb as the car roars-by…
the man almost steps from the curb again as a siren-screaming police-car squeals-and-roars-by…
followed by a cop-on-a-speeding-motorcycle…
the man goes-back into the building-he-emerged-from and closes the door…
the village street/intersection-shot lingers, with no-one around.

from The 39 Steps and Foreign Correspondent. Lol, I love it…

I would love to see this thread active again.