Actor/Actress categories and pages

Sorry guys, I realize that I’m putting a lot of irons in the fire, but by working on the actor index pages and navigating during the tests I realized that there are many possible paths and sometimes they lead to dead ends.
I tried to schematize the current paths, keeping page and actor category indistinct, so as not to further increase the complexity of the scheme.

In summary, my proposal is to use the Actors category, or possibly a new page, which acts as a single index and single access point for actors/actresses. I would therefore avoid also having a main page for Actors by Picture and Actresses A-Z.

In my opinion the Actresses A-Z section should be completely removed because it is redundant and partial.
The Hall of Fame section should instead be valorised and adequately linked.
This should be improved with high-quality photos of the characters and summary sheets, while information on the characters should be used to build or enrich the pages.

The authorial pages on the actors should be considered, in my opinion, as in-depth studies linked from the actors’ pages, which instead should all have similar structures.

All the proposed navigation changes require around 30 minutes of work, so the point is not to do it, but to decide together whether to do it.

Please let me know what you think about it.

Give me some time to think:) you are hyperactive I love it

A first thought: the “by picture” section is very valuable because son often all a visitor (including me) can remember at the moment is a face… As often as possible though we should streamline and simplify and eliminate redundancy.

I agee, by picture section is vital and shoul be on topo of the new master Actors page, before the alphabetical category index. The redundancy is Acresses A-Z, given it is a very partial subset of Actors by Pictures.

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I need to check Google analytics but the actresses page might in fact be a popular landing page :))

Sure, let check data before taking decisions. If it is better to mantain the page, we’ll find some point of originality for it.

So if I understand you correctly:

  • there would be no more Category:Actors by picture
  • what used to be subsumed under category:actors by picture (.e.g. Actors by picture:H) will be part of “Category:Actors” just like any other actor page.
  • but there we have the page “actors by picture” which was a way to get to the pictures…
  • so are we only eliminating the “category” for the actors by picture, but not the page actors by picture and also not its subpages?
  • should be keep the actresses a-z page? it doubles a lot of information

I’ll try to reply (bold text) point by point, so to be as clear as possible.

This solution grant a unique gateway to actors pages and drastically simplify users’s navigation.
However, it is not a perfect solution.

A big open point concerns the double list of actors pages (the sub-categories of Actors and the actors pages, also under the Actors category). It is unlikely that a user will understand by the index the difference between the bio pages and the filmography/contents pages.
Furthermore, the page is already terribly long and the lists are not even complete.

I think this requires some analysis and reasoning from us.

I have a first idea about it, to be taken with a grain of salt.

Lets consider simplistically two distinct types of users:

  1. those searching for images do not know the actor and may therefore be interested in reading who he is (actor page) before moving on to the filmography (category page linked on the actor page)
  2. those who already know the name probably want to go straight to the filmography (category page).

My provocation is let’s link the photos to the actors’ pages and remove these pages from the Actors category, so as to have a single index on the Category:Actors page.
On the actors page you can always add a link at the end that takes you back to this index page.
I repeat that it is only a first hypothesis to think about together.

To help the discussion please find attached a preview of the page, with the open point still to be solved (Don’t worry, I haven’t changed anything on the site, it’s just a quick mock-up :smile:).

I like where this discussion is going. In this mockup image scenario, what would someone see once you click on an alphabet, e.g. G?
I think reducing all these pages and categories would be fine, as long as those visitors who just remember a face, but not a name, will also quickly find their way around…