Subscribe to the SWDb Email Newsletter

There is no longer a classic Email Newsletter on the SWDb. Instead, our newsletter forum category will do that job, every one should be subscribed by default. If not, head there and enable alerts for that category. Read more below.

Without further ado…

Click here to sign up and lean more:

Issue 1 is out!

If you missed it, click here: The 1st Spaghetti Western Db newsletter

Note that the, and are also getting one, make sure to subscribe!

Issue 2 is out!

If you missed it, click here Newsletter - The Spaghetti Western Database

And overdue issue #4 is out now

at The long overdue Spaghetti Western update

In case you missed the 1st issue of 2018:

And yesterday’s Sartana Special

Yesterday we tried out a new format, the “release alert”. We might do these again for updates that warrant immediate attention to the global fan community. For those not subscribed, here’s what it looked like:

Click here to sign up: The Spaghetti Western Database

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Hard to believe, but I have one ready to send out finally :slight_smile: I hope it finds lots of readers

December recap will be two weeks later and be a new year’s special with BuRay etc giveaways instead.