What are the criteria for movies in the sw-database?

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:60, topic:457”]The following movie is not a eurowestern:
It’s an italian co-production so it’s a spaghetti western after all. Do not trust imdb too much, there’re a lot of other sources that list it as such a co-production

Should El Condor be on this site?

And what about Chato’s Land?

Both were shot in Almeria

was chato’s land completely shot in almeria? looks like el condor would be a candiate for the DB though

I believe so. Furthermore it’s a semi British production, even though imdb says not.

That seems to be an American movie, but shot in Almeria. Besides Van Cleef, it has some familiar spaghetti faces like Gustavo Rojo, Ángel del Pozo, Julio PeÃąa etc.

Does anybody know this movie: Prendi la colt e prega il padre tuo. It’s not on imdb.

The funny thing is when I looked up Spaghetti Western in the IMDB it listed a bunch of Japanese Anime movies as well as movies that were made very recently.

If you want to look up SW’s in IMDB try going to their power search. Than type in Italy for country and Western for genre. Make sure you exclude straight to video releases and television episodes. The year range for me is 1964-1978 but you can expand that if you want.

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:65, topic:457”]Does anybody know this movie: Prendi la colt e prega il padre tuo. It’s not on imdb.



but it’s in the swdb :wink:

According to my new Dizionario Del Western All’Italiano ;D it’s a Spanish/Italian co production from Procensa (Madrid) and Cinemec (Roma) so it looks like it should definitely be here.

In the blurb it also refers to the director (Jose Maria Zabalza) as “un autentico Ed Wood spagnolo” which even my crap italian can figure out means this one could be so bad it’s good!

[quote=“Sebastian, post:67, topic:457”]Plomo sobre Dallas - The Spaghetti Western Database

but it’s in the swdb ;-)[/quote]
I reckon I didn’t search thoroughly. Could have also been the beer.
Anyway I’ve found a website with thousand of spaghetti western posters.

But you can’t save them by right clicking etc. You need the capture the screen. Loads and rare stuff there.

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:70, topic:457”]I’ve found a website with thousand of spaghetti western posters.

But you can’t save them by right clicking etc. You need the capture the screen. Loads and rare stuff there.[/quote]

Yes, that it is a great site—and they sell those posters, too. I have actually picked up quite a few posters from them at surprisingly good prices.

I noticed we have included documentaries also on the database:

So, these should be included too or what do you think?


does anyone know any other sw documentaries?

I’ve got L’America a Roma on DVD as part of “The Colt Collection” Italian boxset. It’s a really entertaining film that takes a more sentimental/nostalgic look at the genre with many familiar SW Italian actors (in Italian with English subtitles).
I’d like to see these documentaries on the wiki, perhaps the pages could be linked from a “Spaghetti Western Documentaries” page?

yeah y not. and that, from the resources or browse all page etc

Did you know that Aldo Sambrell directed some films too? Are these westerns?

[quote=“Bill san Antonio, post:75, topic:457”]Did you know that Aldo Sambrell directed some films too? Are these westerns?


Hombre del Gran Río, El (1982, SPA/COL) C-74m. *Â― D: Alfred S. Brell (=Aldo Sambrell), Miguel Angel RincÃģn. Starring Kapax, María Bauza, Albert Reed, Aldo Sambrell. Dreary romance set in the Amazon wilderness, where a woman is picked up by a native after surviving a plane crash. He brings her to his tribe and they fall in love. Hardly any violence (unless there is some in a longer version), extremely sloppy camerawork, this is pure boredom. Also titled MUNDO VERDE and KAPAX DEL AMAZONAS.
From http://cultfilmz.com/c05/108.html


DirecciÃģn: RÃģmulo Delgado
Estreno: 1982
Nacionalidad: Colombia
GÃĐnero: ficciÃģn
SubgÃĐnero: ficcion
DuraciÃģn: 90 min minutos

felipe arriaga, beatriz adriana, yadi cubillas, franco portilla, antonio iglesias, aldo sambrell, armando mej?a, rey v?squez, fabio mej?a, emilio “indio” fern?ndez

un viejo le narra a unos niÃąos la historia de un personaje perseguido por un caciqueÂļ que primero le hace guardar un dinero robado y posteriormente lo delata para mandarlo a prisiÃģn. Cuando ÃĐste sale le quita a la novia y le corta la lenguaÂļ al caciqueÂļ por no decirle en dÃģnde escondiÃģ el

hey all, me and Lode came up with a better concept to label movies as Eurowesterns,

an example can be found here:

basically, we
a) changed the little {{Eurowestern}} template, and
b) moved the Country together with the year of release to the top, as you can see.

we also considered putting the little flag template above the poster, or make it smaller.

please post your feedback

I’m not sure about this, I think the old style was probably better

And why the Euro-flag?

We also have a lot of Turkish westerns, Turkey is not a member of EU :wink:

Yes this was another point we talked about.

The flag stands for Europeâ€Ķ :wink:

Besides the euro flag we would creat templates fÞr gdr western, turkish one -> all the stuff that isn’t/wasn’t Euroâ€Ķ

Yes, but it is the symbol of the European Union, there was no European flag before this.

I also like the text “included for completeness” etc, that was part of the old style