What are the criteria for movies in the sw-database?

It’s filmed in Italy

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:102, topic:457”]It’s filmed in Italy[/quote]Which doesn’t make it a sw in my eyes.

Is this film really western? There seems to be police cars in the poster.


Not a western for sure in my view, and have viewed a couple of times. Set in modern day, well modern day when the film was made in the mid 80’s.

Maybe I’ll add some “this is not a western” tag or something to the page then.

Actually, we should delete it… Seb?

Maybe it is a half-western. Set in the present, but with many western elements.

The story seems to be from a western.

all depends on what you consider “western”, if there’s people on horses in the west then maybe okay… but it’s not really set in the old west I suppose…

Man, Pride, Vengeance or La colera del viento aren’t either.

Question is if it contains enough western elements to call it at least a half western. Ennio may know …

Alot of car chases in the film. Also a helicopter is used in a chase sequence. Automatic weopons also used. Some guys wear cowboy hats and the main guy wants his horses back, but does not feel like a western to me. The story is similar to a western, but still not enough elements for a half western in my view. Some people may think it has more western elements than me, but for me it a modern day chase film with a story similar to one used in many westerns.

The it’s not a western. Otherwise we could add Kill Bill, too. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Kill Bill is not an European film :wink:

uuuh lawyered

Btw: what about two British co-productions with Guy Pearce: The Proposition and Ravenous. The first is an outback western and the second one could be considered horror western and it’s set during Mexican-American war if I remember correctly. I’d say let’s add them for the sake of completeness. Any other opinions and comments?

Haven’t seen Ravenous so can’t comment on that but The Proposition doesn’t qualify in my opinion. Westerns need to be set in North America as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure there are those who disagree (we have had this discussion regularly over the years I think) but that would be my call on it.

I haven’t seen Ravenous yet, but from what I read it is an Euro western.

The Proposition is maybe a half western, and is an Australian film anyway.

The Proposition is UK co-produced and western in style, but not a western technically. Same as, for example, Ned Kelly.

A film like Dead Man would be a more likely candidate, due to it being a western. But, the German money in it aside, it is purely an American film.

But there are cases more borderline than that, which would be nice to discuss.

Haven’t seen Ravenous, by the way.

For me personally, The Proposition definitely qualifies as a western (Wikipedia tells me that westerns set in Australia are known as “meat pie westerns”, although I can’t say I’ve ever heard the term), and tbh is one of the best I’ve ever seen. But I can fully appreciate the argument that a western set geographically outside of North America (or, being even more fundamental, outside the “wild west”) cannot by definition be a “western”. It’s a bit like the argument about champagne coming from anywhere other than Champagne. On the other hand I don’t think it belongs on this, the Spaghetti Western Database. I mean, it’s just instinctive, I don’t feel that there should be a dollar or a percentage threshold that confirms a movie as either “qualified” or “DISqualified”. It’s just that in the instance of The Proposition, the Euro involvement isn’t obvious enough, for me.

But, bear in mind I know cock-all about cock-all. I put my jumper on inside-out this morning. :slight_smile:

Two recent Italian productions (1 feature length film with Castellari and 1 short):



Do you also put tv-series in the database?
If so, then maybe you should add the Danish comedy western series ‘Det vildeste westen’.

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