The Great Silence DVD/Blu-Ray

Somewhere in this forum. Most likely in the TGS thread. There is a picture from an original widescreen negative.

Like here:,112.0.html

Ah found it thanksā€¦ it that case the world DOES need a new release, but only if they can get it right this time :slight_smile:

Yes, no sound. Luckily!

And why not.

Iā€™m quite happy with the Fantoma release. I will not buy a new release if it comes out.

What Iā€™d like to see:

  1. Correct aspect ratio as shown on the French release.
  2. Much nicer image quality and brighter colors from the French release.
  3. English and Italian audio with optional English subtitles as on the current UK release.

Iā€™m going to post this over at the Sergio Leone Web Board where Mike Siegel originally pointed out the incorrect aspect ratios of the current UK/US releases: The Great Silence aka Il grande silenzio (1968). I am sure there are many people over there who will be interested in this.

Just posted it on the infamous ā€œwebboardā€ as well, as too many people are still reading that virus-infected place :slight_smile:

after all theyā€™re reading this topic, so it would be great to have as much input as possible

Well youā€™re reading it too Sebastian :wink: Is there really a virus problem there? I heard rumors of one a while back but Iā€™ve never had problems myself.

Why donā€™t you both merge and then be one big happy family?

Never picked up a virus from there myself and I visit the site everyday.

hence my winking smiley. donā€™t think they have a virus problem anymore, neither :slight_smile: but I wouldnā€™t know since I donā€™t use windows anymore :slight_smile:

[quote=ā€œNovecento, post:16, topic:1926ā€]1. Correct aspect ratio as shown on the French release.
2. Much nicer image quality and brighter colors from the French release.
3. English and Italian audio with optional English subtitles as on the current UK release.[/quote]

Oooh, I didnā€™t realize that a company rep is actually watching this topic. Right well, if it meets my three criteria (to which I must add anamorphic to #1) then I will definitely buy a copy. Also the alternate ending (apparently intentionally made unreleasable by a sly Corbucci who never wanted it in the first place) should be included as an extra.

[quote=ā€œscherpschutter, post:3, topic:1926ā€]On the disc is a documentary (English language) that is called (I think) Westerns Italian Style
It has interview with both Corbucci and Castellari (on the set of, respectivily, The Great silence and I came and Saw I shot) and it should be included (on disc 2)[/quote].

This is the same documentary on the Blue Underground release of Run Man Run: RUN MAN RUN | Blue Underground Listings

I think the most important thing is the Italian audio - so much more beautiful and lyrical than the English.

Yes, Italian dub is 1000 times better than English dub. Anamorphic picture, Italian audio with English subs translated straight from Italian dialogue, please. If someone goes for dubtitles instead instead itā€™s worthless because English and Italian dialogue are sometimes very different.

Dubtitles are never a good idea. I really need to learn Italian.

[quote=ā€œReverend Danite, post:5, topic:1926ā€]Haha - whoever the artist is that did the poster hasnā€™t got KK right. Heā€™s hovering around the ā€˜35% gorgeous and 65% gargoyleā€™ normally I reckon. In this heā€™s at least 80% gargoyle!
I havenā€™t seen a KK portrait so :stuck_out_tongue: since I got a Thai Sartanaā€¦Angel of Death one with him on.[/quote]
And here it isā€¦

I would like it in blu-ray, but if only dvd then anamorphic.

Is there any news on the releasedate? According to Movie Mail, itā€™s scheduled for October 2009: Link[url] ā€“ Guida online ai rimedi naturali.

Can anyone confirm this?

It appears like, that this should be the front cover?

Nice. But Kinski looks like thinking: ā€œIs there and other Great Silence release coming up now?!ā€ :D.

Damn, couldnā€™t they find some of the original poster artwork to put on that front coverā€¦ The above looks terribleā€¦ At least compose a less busy cover more fitting to the titleā€¦