Talk Whatever

Yeah Merry Christmas to everyone in our fórum

Oh my goodness, look at the top comment to this Amazon review: like a bad penny, our old ‘acquaintance’ always turns up!

Under the ‘About Me’ section, he comes up this classic, barely coherent chestnut:

CRIMINALITY often results from
feral youths intoxicated with drink,
illegal drugs abusing neighbours
with OBSCENE LOUD rock,metal,
in rock/metal/punk/rap NOISES
are the main cause of CRIME/EVIL.
Yob’s brains are contaminated by
CRIM LYRICS in rock/metal/rap.
films but for OBSCENE rock/metal/
punk/rap/hiphop/rave SICK NOISES

"DATED" is the poor dull TV/Films/Pop
made AFTER 1980.
CLASSIC is the high quality well written
acted, directed sung material made
BEFORE 1979.[/quote]

Hehe. It’s obvious to me now that out “friend” SD has some serious mental problems but then again that’s no excuse for bad behavior and bullying.

I’ve only seen his comments and heard stories, but it seems the ramblings of SD still haunt the SWDB halls :wink: .

Sure, cause it is great, great entertainment, … well on one hand, and unfortunately a bit tragically on the other hand.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Happy New Year

I was watching Ren & Stimpy today and noticed they used music from Forgotten Pistolero in this episode. :slight_smile:

Spongebob episodes used those tracks from “Pistolero” as well. Mostly the older episodes.

Is it Friday yet? Also anyone got plans for the weekend? I have 3 kids so my plans revolve around them. We’re gearing up for our Florida trip (after Easter) and got to plan stuff out.

Its my Birthday next monday, but my we are all working, so were are going out for a nice meal Sunday. Not sure about saturday though.

Now this is work of genius

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Yes, lovely

I saw a documentary on Gene Kelly’s work as a dancer and (especially) choreographer a couple of years ago. he was a brilliant man.

I’ve no desire to politicize the Spaghetti Western Database but I hope to God that my European SWDB brothers based in Belgium and their friends/loved ones are safe in light of the latest atrocities being committed in Brussels this morning.


Thanks. I live in Belgium and I am safe.

I am Dutch, btw, but my wife is Belgian (and so was my mother) and I remember the words spoken by German prime minister Gerhard Schröder on the night of 9/11

“Today we are all Americans.”

Great words spoken by a politician, you don’t hear that very often.

Today we are all Belgians.

I’m afraid we’ll have to live with these terror attacks in Europe. In the last 12 months we’ve seen Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and now Zaventem (that’s the name Brussels Airport is referred to by Belgians). We brought the war home by a series of stupid decisions and actions and this war is going to be a long one

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Its good to hear you’re okay. I got home from work and turned on the radio, and its sounds horrific. Those poor people.

Figured you’d be safe Scherps (Turnhout is not Brussels) but glad to hear you’re ok nonetheless. We are an international community here which brings events like these closer to home. We really are all Belgians today.

Right, i earned two badges “contributor” and “member”. I feel like blessed. But “member”. It’s “for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community.” Jeez, i’ve been participating here for aaaaaaages. And that damn AI doesn’t know. :dizzy_face: (I know, new forum etc)

“Member” is actually a trust level, which will allow you to do more things, and it required you to do a certain amount of things in the forum before being granted. “Contributor” is one I just set up manually to award to everyone (by hand) who contributes to the SWDb. It requires that user to be part of the group of the same name. I will try to make this group/badge as accurate as possible over the next few days.

sure, i understand :wink:

No more Union Jack in the near future?