Giallo Genre (Italian Thrillers)

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:360, topic:520”]Death Walks at Midnight was viewed today.
This has b movie written all over it. But it’s a fun flick nevertheless. Nieves Navarro carries the film and does it very well. It’s a pleasure to watch her slapping guys in the face, kicking them in the nuts, throwing in windows with rocks etc. Kitty got claws. As for the film, it makes very little sense. But it delivers the goods. 6,5/10[/quote]Ah, the metal glove, beautiful Nieves Navarro and Luciano Rossi as a giggling maniac. Such a great stuff.

I didn’t care for the film too much. Nor did I care for it’s companion film either (Death Walks on high Heels). Hard to follow, great potential, yet skips too much violence.

As for me…

Death Steps in the Dark
Leonard Mann is what I only assume is his Giallo debut, is an American journalist who is a murder suspect in Greece. The film has a sketchy reputation. Some find the strong douses of Italian comedy hard to stomach in between the gruesome killings. The others don’t find it a problem and I belong to this group. The comedy makes the film more enjoyable as it isn’t so heavily dark. The Greek locale is great.

The score is pretty fine too:

Sometimes available from dustygroove for a ten-dollar note …

Watched a couple more:
Death walks in high heels
Nieves Navarro gets naked all the time, which is pleasant. But on the whole not as entertaining as Death walks at midnight, the other Ercoli - Navarro giallo. Simon Andreu barfing on an English cop was hilarious. The spoofing of Sherlock Holmes was fun too. 6/10
Seven notes in black
Good and atmospheric Fulci giallo. Solid stuff and the seven notes are nice. Good cast with Porel and Garko. Too bad Porel died so young. He really had the looks of a movie star. 7/10
Plays like an Italian Hitchcock really. Nicely crafted, but on the whole not extremely interesting. Could have benefited from some more sleaze I think. 6/10

Porell did have charm but was unfortunatley, a Heroin addict.

Good news, Cult Epics has released Tinto Brass’ giallo Deadly Sweet on dvd.

[quote=“korano, post:362, topic:520”]I didn’t care for the film too much. Nor did I care for it’s companion film either (Death Walks on high Heels). Hard to follow, great potential, yet skips too much violence.[/quote]I think Death stalks in high heels is a great film myself.

I saw it in the cinema in the mid 90’s but it was cut unlike the no shame dvd.

This weekend’s gialli:

5 Dolls for an August Moon
Looks great, but the story is a mess. 5/10
Blood and Black Lace
Enjoyed this Bava more than the above. 6,5/10
A rewatch of this classic. Good in all aspects. 7,5/10

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:368, topic:520”]This weekend’s gialli:

5 Dolls for an August Moon
Looks great, but the story is a mess. 5/10
Blood and Black Lace
Enjoyed this Bava more than the above. 6,5/10
A rewatch of this classic. Good in all aspects. 7,5/10[/quote]

I agree with your ratings amigo. 5 Dolls had an okay story but it didn’t have any horror. Band BL was a little better but overall I don’t like Bava’s “Everybody tries to doublecross each other and in the end no one lives” type movies.

Tenebre was very good. I liked seeing Gemma in it too.

Blood and Black Lace, for me, is just about as good as gialli get. Wonderful film.

And when is somebody going to do justice to Tenebrae on DVD? All existing versions are supposedly lacking in some respect, whether footage or the qualoty of the transfer (I have only seen the Anchor Bay release, but all reviews of other releases express disappointment).

Watched Eye In The Labyrinth yesterday. Anyone seen?

The Dutch dvd is very good in my opinion.

Think I´ll give it a watch this week.

I have the Swedish Atlantic DVD of Tenebre and I’m quite happy with it. The colors look a little cheesy though.

Watching this one tonight…any good ?

Yeah, It’s quite good, quite strange film using a lot of strange camera angels and Mario Caiano does a good job with directing. Let me know what you think.

La Dolce Morte: Vernacular Cinema and the Italian Giallo Film

It’s supposed to be a bit heavy reading but you can’t go wrong for £4 delivered in the U.K.

Liked the main female lead straight away in this, but Adolfo Celi playing the dirty old man role raised a smile. The female lead was a bit dopey at one point when having a smoke :wink: . Another time when Horst Frank was having a smoke while treating the female lead is something you would not see in todays day and age. Did not guess who the killer was. It was worth a view.

That smoke scene was ;D. And yes, it was very hard to guess who the killer was in this one.

Just watched Torso.
A bad film in my opinion. “Lots of tits and lots of screams”, is how my girlfriend summed it up. Occasionally she is right and this is one of those rare occasions. The motives of the killer are laughable. Some nice kills and some good music, but overall unsatisfying trash. 4,5/10

I like Torso but do prefer Martino’s other Gialli.