Compañeros / Vamos a matar, compañeros (Sergio Corbucci, 1970)

I just watched this one again.
If someone could update the main page: Vamos a matar, compañeros

At least some of the “filming locations” were set at:

Alcala De Henares
Colmenar Viejo
El Argamasón
Navas Del Rey
Pelayos De La Presa
San Martín de Valdeiglesias


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This is great:


It’s a pity they never dubbed that line, always made me laugh, but the uncut version doesn’t really add enough for me that would make me choose that over the export cut. The differences are very minor.

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I always watch the shorter one aswell. This film thankfully didn’t suffer much from export cuts at all. Compared to The Big Gundown and Tepepa etc. Compañeros really got off lightly.

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as long as Iris’ big topless show is still in there?

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Its twin The Mercenary is probably better directed but now I very much prefer Companeros. Why? Both Nero and Milian are much more likeable/relatable in Companeros than Nero and Musante in The Mercenary. It is also more comedy like than The Mercenary.

Companeros also has something to say (about pacifism, education, friendship, life values…) while The Mercenary is basically just an action movie with no message. Moreover Companeros has always amazing Fernidando Rey and very catchy music. 5/5

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great movie with Franco Nero and Tomas Miliàn, I have just ordered the remasterised version in DVD